121: 3 Things I Wish I Knew About Group Coaching Programs

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The year is 2018, and baby coach Allison had made money online and wanted to coach others how to do it too...

...but nobody teaches group coaching skills and so she just watched what others did and replicated it. 🤷

Tapping into my skills as a facilitator and adult educator took time, and it all worked out the way it was meant to, because now I can share my "mistakes" with you. 

In this episode, you'll hear about my early group coaching blunders - not so you can't make your own mistakes, but so that you can learn your lessons quicker and get your clients better results through your group coaching program FASTER. ⏩

Listen in to me chatting about:

‼️ my take on group coaching calls (they mostly aren't effective)

‼️ if prettier tools inside your group coaching program make more money or not, and

‼️ whether you need to niche your group coaching program to a certain ideal client or not

Grow Your Group Program From The Inside Out

If your group program is up and running, but you know you could acquire some new skills in how to run your group calls better, how to train your clients better, or how to make your program more profitable, this is a 4-week group program that would be perfect for you. I am accepting applications now, and we start in April with a kick-off call in March.


Book a FREE Get Your Group On 20 minute strategy call!

Join my FREE Masterclass, Why Most Group Coaching Programs Don’t Get Results (And How To Fix It This Year)


122: The First Step To Getting Your Clients Results


120: Best Practices for Offboarding Clients