123: You Are Not A Finished Product

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Hi there! Before we get started, I really just want to address the elephant in the room! You may have noticed that my name for my podcast has changed, we are no longer Solopreneur AF. That worked really, really well for a bit. But as you have noticed, I have been talking a lot about group coaching programs, it is the thing that I am the most passionate about in the thing that I will be doing in my business moving forward.

So I wanted to create this place, this community, for you. Because I don't really feel like we're talking a lot about this kind of these kinds of tactics and, and this kind of strategy and mindsets around group coaching. 

I feel like we're talking about them from a standpoint of: yeah, you should do a group coaching program. And this is how you might structure it and set it up. This is the tech and all that. And like we can certainly talk about that if it's something you want to talk about. 

But my whole ethos here with this is that group programs can be better. Group programs can be so much better than they are. But we are missing a lot of the tools because when we come into online coaching, we're not being taught some of that stuff. And we're missing a lot of the tools that we need to make a group coaching program the best it can be, and to resign our clients and to spend less time on lead generation and to create the superfans and to get into six and seven and eight figures just from this core offer. 

So I believe that it all starts with facilitation with good mentorship of a group of clients, not just one on one. And good adult education practices. So that's what we're going to be talking about here. So that's why we've changed the name to group coaching masterclass. And the reason that I changed it to that is because number one, I want it to be clear, not clever. Number two, I want more people to be able to find this information when they're looking for it. And I truly also believe that every episode can be a masterclass, and that you can take any of these episodes and turn them into a strategy and turn them into some takeaways that you can actually implement today, in your group coaching program, whether it's something that's in your dreams, and you still haven't, you know, kind of pulled the trigger yet, or you are doing your group coaching program, now you're running it, but it's not as good as it could be. Or maybe you've even thrown it in the dumpster last year or the year before or something and you're burned out from just doing one to one and selling these $27 products and things like that. 

Thank you so much for your support. The goal is to help more coaches have better group coaching programs, it's just going to benefit everybody, everybody makes more money, everybody gets more results. It just makes sense, right?! 

My Husband Is A Mindset Genius And He Doesn’t Even Know It

This is actually going to be a mindset episode. And it's something that my husband said to me, and I found it to be so simple yet so profound. And I wanted to kind of create an episode around it and just share it with you because I want you to be able to have this mantra also, it's something that I've been repeating to myself a lot these days. And I think it would be really helpful to talk about it here. You can apply it to any part of your business.

I think so much of success in online business is your mindset and how you go about things and what your energy is. And really just just taking control of that nervous system and taking control of that ego. And all that goes within really understanding where your resistance comes from, what your subconscious is saying, and all of that. So I'm gonna be talking a little bit about that too, so that you can make sure you're not holding yourself back from success. 

Impatience Gets In The Way of Growth

So let me tell you a story. As you may know, I have been on this sort of health and fitness journey, for a few months now. And because it's only been a few months, sometimes I get down on myself, because it's not as fast as I'd like it to be. I am not exactly the most patient person. You would never use patience as one of my virtues. It's just kind of the way I've always been. I want to see big results, I want to see them and I want to see them fast. And to me, it doesn't matter that it took me years to get this way. So it's probably going to take me a little bit longer than a few months to undo what I've done. 

And I know that's part of it. I know that's part of the struggle. And that's obviously part of online business as well. It's just gonna happen. I've been through all of these things. But I wasn't aware of it. And I wasn't feeling it at that moment, sitting on the couch with my husband talking to him about it. And he's always a really great kind of sounding board for this kind of thing. Because he sees the physical changes in a way that I certainly can't. Even when I don't see the changes like on the scale or some part of my body, he can see overall that things are changing. And he can also observe my behavior from an outside perspective, because we're together all day every day, (we both work from home, and we are in the same office).

One of the things that he said to me while we were sitting on the couch, opening my heart about all of this stuff. He said to me, “So you're not a finished product. So what?” 

I was like, what? That's so simple and so profound - it's not over. And that's okay. It feels so simple but it really resonated with me. 

You Are Not A Finished Product

And I wanted to offer it to you too, because sometimes, if we relate this to our business, we can feel like we're starting over, right? 

We get to a new level, and then we're like: okay, we get to start over again. It can feel never ending in some ways that like you get to a certain point, and you say “Okay, great. Now I have to start over again, right?” It can feel like it's never ending. And as you know, results take time, especially if you're staring at them. 

Fall In Love With The Process, but Add Patience As An Ingredient

So you've heard me say before that focusing on the process will lead you to the results. But let's also embrace the idea that you're not finished, that the process is probably a never ending thing. You'll get results, then you'll want more results, different results, better results. 

So you're really kind of always going to be in the process, as long as you've got breath in your body. So as long as you're living, you've got potential to grow. And, you know, I follow some millionaire entrepreneurs and things like that. And every time, the common denominator, when they're asked: “What did it feel like to hit a million?” Most of them didn't feel any different. And I will say like, even though it wasn't a million when I hit my first 100k I was like, that feels about right. I thought I would be ecstatic over the moon, having a celebration, throwing a party doing the balloon thing on Instagram. 

I was happy. Of course, I was happy. And I was proud. But I was like, yeah, that feels right. And that's because even though we might have a goal we're working towards so so so hard, there's actually life on the other side of that goal. 

So it's kind of a beautiful thing that we're not finished. So if you can embrace this “you're not a finished product.” attitude, then the stuff that doesn’t present itself as working, doesn’t matter. If you can embrace that in yourself, I think you can embrace in other people as well. 

Become A Better Leader By Embracing This Idea of ‘Not Finished’

I think that as a leader, once we embrace something in ourselves, we can look outside and say, “Oh, I see that in you, and I'm actually going to embrace that in you too.” And that makes you a better coach. “You're not a finished product,” just makes things a little less hard. Sincerely, this is probably the biggest thing I've had to work on: being too hard on myself, and having a little more patience. So I am speaking to you from someone who is in the process of this. 

This mantra that my husband gave me is something that I wanted to share with you today. So just to kind of end on this note: you are not a finished product. I want you to write that down somewhere on a sticky note, or on your phone screen or on your mirror. Life is still LIFE on the other side of every single goal that you have. And so you'll get there, but then there's going to be more, so you might as well love the process and enjoy it while you can.

Grow Your Group Program From The Inside Out

If your group program is up and running, but you know you could acquire some new skills in how to run your group calls better, how to train your clients better, or how to make your program more profitable, this is a 4-week group program that would be perfect for you. I am accepting applications now, and we start in April with a kick-off call in March.


Book a FREE Get Your Group On 20 minute strategy call!

Join my FREE Masterclass, Why Most Group Coaching Programs Don’t Get Results (And How To Fix It This Year)


124: The 3 Steps To Successfully Go From 1:1 to Group Coaching


122: The First Step To Getting Your Clients Results