Allison Nelson

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184: The Reason Your Program Isn’t Selling

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If you're struggling to sell your group coaching program, you're not alone. Many online coaches pour their heart and soul into creating a program, only to find that it's not resonating with their audience. The good news is, the issue is likely something you can control. Let’s cut to the chase and explore why your program isn't selling and how to fix it.

The Core Problem: Lack of Clarity

When your program isn’t selling, the first thing you need to look at is its purpose. Is it clear? Can you easily explain what your program does and why someone should join? If the answer is no, that's where the problem starts.

As coaches, it's easy to get so wrapped up in the many things we can help our clients with that our program ends up trying to do too much. When you’re unclear on the purpose, your potential clients will be, too. And confused buyers don’t buy.

Your Marketing Reflects Your Program

Marketing should be a reflection of your program’s value. If your marketing isn’t working, it's not about the platform or tactic. It’s about how clearly you're communicating the value of your program. The foundation of your marketing is your program's purpose—if that’s unclear, your marketing will struggle.

It’s common for coaches to think that if their program isn’t selling, the issue lies in their email marketing, social media strategy, or Facebook group. But focusing on these aspects before clarifying your program’s purpose is like putting a bandaid on a deeper problem.

Get Specific

Your program should have one clear purpose. Don’t try to solve every problem your client has in one offering. Narrow it down to one main goal. A focused program is easier to market, and easier for clients to understand and invest in.

Action step: Write down what your program’s purpose is right now. It doesn’t matter if it’s messy or unclear. Just get it all out. Then, refine it. If it feels like your program is trying to fix too many things at once, simplify it.

Test and Adjust

Marketing is a process of trial and error. If your program isn’t selling, don’t assume it’s a total failure. Test out different ways to clarify your messaging and positioning. Collect feedback from potential clients. It might take a few tries, but clarity will lead to conversions.

Focus on What You Can Control

You can’t control how your audience will react, but you can control how well you communicate the value of your program. Before jumping into different marketing strategies, make sure the foundation—your program’s purpose—is rock solid.

The Bottom Line

The real reason your group coaching program isn’t selling likely boils down to a lack of clarity around its purpose. Once you're crystal clear on the purpose and can communicate it effectively, your marketing will follow suit, and your program will start selling.

Need help refining your program’s purpose? Book a free roadmap call with me, and let’s work through it together. The clarity you gain will be the key to finally making those sales.

Group coaching programs don't have to suck…

…they can be a source of inspiration, collaboration, and transformation. Embrace the power of connection, make learning interactive, tailor your content, celebrate wins, and leverage technology wisely. Your group programs are not just about what you teach; they're about the vibrant community you create.

Ready to revolutionize your group programs? Let’s chat about yours!


Book a FREE Group Coaching Success Roadmap Strategy Call

Join my FREE Masterclass, Why Most Group Coaching Programs Don’t Get Results (And How To Fix It This Year)

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