132: Group Programs Are Not Effective For The Coach or the Client, and How To Change That

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Welcome back to the podcast! I’m going to get right into it…

Here’s the deal: businesses have been hit with a lot this year. In the online business world, there’s a bit of a revolution going on. I had a coach that compared online business to the wild wild west and she’s not wrong!

Here’s the thing: trust and safety is in the gutter because a lot of programs, particularly group programs, are being uncovered for how ineffective they are.

In the next 12 episodes, I’m going to teach you how to make them more effective for you AND the client.

For the client: getting them results they actually wanted, taking them through a real journey where they see how they can actually change their lives.

But for you too, the coach: even when we get clients results, we sometimes don’t feel as accomplished, or like we worked a little too long and too hard to get that to happen.

So the goal of the next 12 episodes is to get you there, where your group program is thriving for you AND the clients. Groups are so powerful if you harness just a few shifts and operate a little differently.

At the end of the 12-week series, you’ll have a group program that will be your money maker, BECAUSE it’s getting results for your clients.

It’s no longer a thing to spend 5-figures on a group program, only to realize that the coach is out of touch and is already planning their next launch. It’s not a thing and you’re going to do better - in fact, I believe you can make MORE money than those coaches AND provide the results people were looking for at the same time 

Group coaching programs can be more effective than they are now

Don’t group programs exist just for people to get a little coaching, maybe some accountability, and meet other people who are like-minded?

Group coaching can be so much more than this! In fact, it is so much more than paying a coach to meet other people and get vulnerable with them every week for 12 weeks and then be done with it, maybe attracting the coach’s attention every once in a while.

But mostly just watching and learning from the other people who do speak up.

I love community as much as the next person but we are dumbing down what group programs can actually help people achieve when we use the C-word

If you are a coach selling a group program where the value points are community and accountability, then you’ve lost most of your high quality people.

Therefore, you haven’t gotten the results from your clients inside your programs.

The thing is, if your people are not talking on the calls (because you’re not facilitating an environment for them to do so effectively) then they aren’t part of a community. The ones that ARE talking, are not getting the full benefit of the community either, because there’s so many people not participating helpfully.

So community and accountability goes right out the window pretty early on in a group program, which is not necessarily what you want to be known for as a group coach.

We have to shift what’s actually happening inside your program.

1:1 coaching programs are not sustainable

Here’s another reason why this needs to get fixed - you aren’t making impact the way you set out to when you first started your business.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again - 1:1 coaching is not sustainable if you want to scale your business. It’s also not sustainable if you ever wanted your business to thrive without you sitting at your desk on Zoom calls, or on Voxer every hour of the day.

If GOD FORBID tragedy struck your family, your 1-1 clients would understand, but they’d also be up Schitt’s Creek without your paddle. It is that much harder to get back into all the business owner type stuff like marketing, back end, networking when something like that happens.

I implore you to set your business up for the fact that you don’t want it to shut down when you’re not there, or make it that much harder to get into the swing of things again and incur an income dip.

Effective groups are how you’ll set your business up for that.

Now I know you might be thinking that you bring in $ other ways besides 1-1, like maybe workshops or masterclasses or quick courses or some other kind of passive income stream.

And that’s all well and good, but tell me how you’re going to convert people to your 1-1 program without understanding the foundations of facilitation and adult education?

Even with workshops and courses, they still need to be effective so that your 1-1 program can sell out. Even if you want to only do 1-1 programs forever, being 100% maxed is comfortable for you… in order to get there, you need to build trust, safety and results with people coming into your lower ticket offers, and that requires knowing how to group coach.

Group coaching can help your clients be seen for the changes they are trying to make

When your clients can be seen for who they are, and the potential of who they are going to become, you as their coach want them to be seen that way by as many people as possible.

You want to honor their journey in a way that’s more impactful than just a weekly meeting with you. You want them to start showing up as that person and having relationships as that person. You want them to experience feeling seen and the change they are making as much as possible.

Group programs take the guesswork out of how that’s going to happen, while simultaneously allowing that growth for multiple people at a time.

I’m not saying you’re not a good enough coach to make that happen for your clients with just you. I am saying that it’s way more impactful when it happens with a group, and not just you. When it’s more impactful, then the change will be sustained

So when it’s a conversation about how much impact you’re making, and thinking that it can only happen in 1-1 settings, that’s just setting you and your client up for failure.

Okay so group coaching is really important to get RIGHT, and now you can understand why.

You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels with your group program or even feeling like it’s not in the cards for you but you don’t know how much impact you’ll make without it.  

I would love to hear what your biggest takeaway from this episode was! DM me on IG @theallisonnelson so we can chat about it - I am so open to hearing your thoughts on whether group coaching is effective for your clients or not!

To get this all down for your group program in a done-with-you 60 minutes, you can message me about booking a Money Maker session by messaging me on IG @theallisonnelson, or email me at allison@allison-nelson.com.

>> I want a results-driven group program that increases my profits by getting better results for my clients and doesn’t burn me out as the coach!

Download your FREE Workbook - From 1:1 to Group: Create a Successful Coaching Program in 3 Steps

Grow Your Group Program From The Inside Out

If your group program is up and running, but you know you could acquire some new skills in how to run your group calls better, how to train your clients better, or how to make your program more profitable, this is a 4-week group program that would be perfect for you. I am accepting applications now, and we start in May with a kick-off call in April.


Book a FREE Get Your Group On 20 minute strategy call!

Join my FREE Masterclass, Why Most Group Coaching Programs Don’t Get Results (And How To Fix It This Year)


133: Stop Doing Q&A Sessions In Your Group Program (And Here’s Why)


131: 5 Lessons Learned From My Group Coaching Program